Kelly McRaven

  1. McRavenRoadsideTreeandWeed2016_60x65canvas

    Roadside tree and weed, 2016
    Oil on canvas, 60×65 inches

  2. LucienLargeCrop2015_65x70canvas

    Night at Lucien, 2015
    Oil on canvas, 65 x 70 inches

  3. McRavenDarkRedPlantcrop2015_30x40canvas

    Dark red houseplant, 2015
    Oil on canvas, 30×40 inches

  4. McRavenFernLadySweetFaceCROP2015_48x40canvas

    Untitled (Lady behind fern with book), 2015
    Oil on canvas, 48×40 inches

  5. McRavenMeadowManIII2015_72x60canvas

    Meadow man iii, 2015
    Oil on canvas, 70×65 inches

  6. Yellowfernlandscape2_2015_14x18linen

    Fern in yellow room, 2015
    Oil on linen, 14×18 inches

  7. McRavenStudioShelfStretcherDoor2014_14x11linenCROP

    Studio (with stretcher and doorway), 2014
    Oil on linen, 14×11 inches

  8. McRavenStudioBlueBox2014_22x16linenCROP

    Studio (with blue shoebox), 2014
    Oil on linen, 22×16 inches

  9. McRavenWinterLeavesLandscape2015_8x8canvasCROP

    Winter trees with leaves, 2015
    Oil on canvas, 8×8 inches

  10. McRavenCatonBalcony2015_86x64canvas

    Cat on balcony, 2014
    Oil on canvas, 86×64 inches